Developing and working with leaders that companies want to hire and people love to follow

Hi. I’m Toleen, Dubai based ICF-PCC (Professional Certified Coach) Executive Coach, Professional coach and Organizational development consultant. I provide programs for working professionals stemming from C-level, executives, leaders and their team who want to increase their performance and develop their career and unlock their potential.
I run the Executive Monk and I am passionate about helping executives become the best leaders they can be. The sort of leaders that companies love to hire, and people love to follow. It is essential that are fulfilled, both professionally and personally. Although there are many ideals to follow we embrace the ideals of an executive monk.
But I am not all about the business I work with individuals on their own personal development because lets face it you are the core engine of your life if we develop that then all other areas of your life begin to operate in the way that you envisioned them to be.
You're Unique. So is my approach
We’re all unique. And that’s the first step to realising results. It starts with understanding your unique bottlenecks - things holding you back from being who you want to be. And then removing these barriers to unlock awareness and acumen.
From person to organization
What’s the most impactful way of changing organisational culture? By starting at the top and cascading positive change through the organisation. That’s why we work with leaders to create a steward mentality where they look out for their people. Change starts at an individual level, and amplifies to benefit the entire organisation.

Self Awareness & Executive Presence
Eliminating self-limiting beliefs and roadblocks
Preparing you for your next career transition
Professional + personal fulfillment
Overcome mental blocks
Eliminate limiting beliefs
Higher Emotional Intelligence & adopting a growth mindset
Leadership development
For Executives
Employee Engagement
Improved performance
Higher collective intelligence
Increased productivity
7 times ROI
Invest in rising stars
Support those that you need to elevate their performance
Eliminate silos
Ownership & Accountability
Create a learning & development culture
For Organizations
The Impact we create
What if we told you great leaders are made, not born?
Let’s start unlocking your true leadership potential!